As the manuals are important for the training of firefighters, the documents produced by the work of firefighting organizations provide valuable insight into the structure and activities of Croatian firefighters from the very beginning of organized firefighting to the present day. The secretaries of fire-fighting organizations played an important role in the creation of this valuable historical material, thanks to whose hard work we can reconstruct the conditions in which domestic firefighting was created and operated.
In the documents we can find out more about the structure of companies, equipment, training, interventions and other interesting things from everyday work. In this section you can find under which our firefighters have operated in the past.
- Pravilnik o zaštiti od požara za Grad Zadar, 1854. (prijepis, VZŽ Zadarske)
- Pravilnik o dodjeli vatrogasnih priznanja SRH 1981.
- Pravilnik o znacima priznanja VSJ 1986.
- Pravilnik o stručnom osposobljavanju i postizanju činova u dobrovoljnom vatrogastvu 1987. (Suvremeno vatrogastvo 3./4.1988.)
- Statut Vatrogasnog saveza Hrvatske 1980. (Suvremeno vatrogastvo 11.12./1980)
- Statut Hrvatske vatrogasne zajednice 2008 (Vatrogasni vjesnik 7./2008.)

Croatian fire fighting museum
Ulica baruna Trenka 44
tel: ++ 385 (0)1 3689 164
fax: ++ 385 (0)1 3025 026
Working hours
Monday – Friday 8am to 3pm
A visit at other time requires advanced notice
Admission to the Museum is free of charge